​Contact Us: 518.459.2248​
For the Community
Open Play!
Tuesdays & Fridays
Come and check out our volunteer-parent run play space! Come and play with your under 5 child for free! Ride our roller coaster, climb, slide and imagine in our large and colorful space-themed facility.
You’re welcome to bring peanut-free snacks and drinks to be enjoyed at our tables. There is also a quiet room with rocking chairs, if your child needs to take a break or if you’d like to nurse/change baby.

Sunday Morning Child Care
The Launch Pad is open for children under 5. Sunday nursery care is provided by one staff caretaker and a caring volunteer who have undergone background checks and training.
Parents are given a number that will be displayed on the digital display in the sanctuary if they are needed during the service to help their child.
The Launch Pad's Open Play will open on Friday, September 8, 2023.
Open Play is available on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10:00-11:30am while school is in session.
The Launch Pad is closed during regular school holidays and breaks.

What is the Launch Pad? The Launch Pad is an outreach of Our Savior’s Lutheran church. The LaunchPad is not a business and is supported by the generosity of the church and its members. This welcoming and fun space is dedicated to children under 5 and their parents/caregivers. Events at the LaunchPad are run by a parent or church volunteer, unless otherwise noted.
What services does the Launch Pad offer to children and parents? Open Play: Parents/Caregivers come and play for free with their child(ren) under 5. All are welcome on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10:00 – 11:30 am. Also, Sunday Nursery Care: Children attending the 8:30 or 11:00 Sunday morning service, and 9:30 Sunday School.
How can I become a volunteer? All of our programs are volunteer run. Open play volunteers are either church members or the parent of a child that attends open play. Open play volunteers do not undergo a background check as they are not directly responsible for the care of children. During open play, parents are responsible for their child(ren). To become an open play volunteer, email Carol Roemke at troemke@nycap.rr.com.
All volunteers and teachers that are in direct supervision of children must comply with the OSL church Prevention of Sexual Misconduct and Child Abuse policy and complete a background check and sexual misconduct prevention training. Parents acting as Launch Pad volunteers during open play hours and group meet-ups must agree to the policy but are not required to complete the background check and training.
To keep up to date with all Launch Pad events and information, please like us on Facebook (search OSL LaunchPad)!