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Fellowship / Hospitality



Our goal is to get women connected. It is our desire to facilitate ways for women to become connected first to one another and then most importantly to Jesus Christ Himself. By dwelling in the Father's love, as we minister the truth of Jesus, in the power of the Holy spirit, it is our heart's desire to provide the Women's Ministry opportunities to set the captives free and empower them to walk in the fullness of their God ordained destiny, to the glory of God our Father.


To create a place for men: to be disciplined in becoming Christ-like men following the example of Jesus; to obtain needed fellowship and strengthen friendships within the congregation; to be encouraged to "put away childish things when I became a man (1 Cor. 13:11); and by means of personal testimony of other men, to assist "the man of God to be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work" (1 Timothy 3:17).



Many are blessed as this time allows for weekly connecting and conversing that we, as members of the Body of Christ, can all look forward to. During this time, we will seek to provide a welcoming atmosphere to members and visitors as we serve up smiles, coffee, tea and a bite-to-eat for our Sunday morning worshippers.


The Hospitality Committee is the first contact point in making plans for food and receptions at the church (e.g. Lenten suppers, funeral luncheons, pastor's gatherings, suppers for new members and visitors). This committee will over-see the purchase of food, the set-up, serving, and clean-up for the function.


© 2023 by Our Savior's Church.

63 Mountain View Ave.

Albany, NY. 12205

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