​Contact Us: 518.459.2248​
Sunday, September 29th - a single, combined worship service at 10 a.m. followed by a Voters Assembly. Come for worship and stay for updates and reports at the Voters Assembly. There will be no Sunday School or Bible class on that Sunday.
Sunday, October 6th: Back to two worship services, 8:30 and 11 a.m. Between services, 9:45- 10:45, there will be an opportunity to Meet Your Elder in the Fellowship Room.
More Information
Wednesday, Sept 25th: Singing at Promenade Our Savior’s Singers will be giving a message in songs focused on Jesus, our Shepherd at the Promenade Senior Center at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept 25th. All are invited to join us as we will be singing familiar songs from song sheets. The Promenade is at 1228 Western Ave, Albany across from the entrance to SUNY Albany. Please come by 10:20 that morning. You may call Al Walck for more information
Bible Classes meet between services, 9:45-10:45 a.m. The Bible Discussion Sunday School is discussing a RightNow Media series entitled “In The Gap”. This class meets in the newly furnished Conference Room in the church office. Come and check it out! The regular Adult Bible Class, meeting in the Fellowship Room, is studying the life and letters of the apostle Peter. Come and grow in God’s Word. Sunday School is held between services, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Younger children (ages 3-5) will meet in the preschool cafeteria and older children grades 1-6 will meet in the school library.
GriefShare will not be offered this fall. There is a need for 1 or 2 volunteers to attend the sessions and help with this ministry in the future. Training is available for volunteers. Contact Cathy Kilpatrick for more information.
Portals of Prayer for October-December are now available in the narthex. Help yourself to this daily devotional booklets and take extra copies to give to others.
Food Pantry Needs: canned fruit, cake mix & frosting, shelf stable milk, cereal, crackers, canned tomatoes, pasta sauce, paper products, personal hygiene