​Contact Us: 518.459.2248​
Worship Services
Join us for Worship
8:30 a.m. Traditional Service with Communion (Using the hymns and liturgies from the Lutheran Service Book accompanied by the organ.
9:40 p.m.
Kingdom Kids (Sunday School)
Bible studies for adults
11:00 a.m. Contemporary Service with Communion (Using a variety of music, readings from the Bible, accompanied by a worship band.)
Personal Services
Child Care
Please check with Pastor or an usher for information and directions.
Hearing Assistive Devices
Available in the sanctuary.
Please ask an usher for assistance.
There is a ramp in the front of the building. Restrooms are accessible. Other floors are accessible by elevator.
Sunday Classes
Adult Bible Study
Fellowship Room
Young Adult Bible Study
Music /Youth Room
Kingdom Kids (Sunday School)
(age 3- 6th grade)
Pre-K/K : Kindergarten Classroom